The Pietrucha Group and the Warsaw University of Technology enter into a long-term cooperation agreement
The Pietrucha Group and the Warsaw University of Technology enter into a long-term cooperation agreement

On 22 February 2023, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Pietrucha Group and the Warsaw University of Technology. The parties will join forces to launch educational initiatives as well as carry out research and development projects.
The Pietrucha Group, a Polish family company with over 60 years’ history, operating in the civil engineering sector, has become a business partner of the Warsaw University of Technology, one of the most renowned technical universities in Poland. At the ceremony the Pietrucha Group was represented by the President of the Management Board, PhD, DSc Jerzy Pietrucha, while on behalf of the Warsaw University of Technology, the agreement was signed by Associate Professor Paweł Popielski, PhD, DSc, Dean of the Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering. The meeting was also attended by Agnieszka Machowska, PhD DSc, Vice-Dean for Studies, and Justyna Kobos, Communications Director, Coordinator of the Agreement on the part of the Pietrucha Group.
Under the agreement, the parties will cooperate in the area of research, education and human resources to carry out projects in the field of civil and hydrotechnical engineering, underground infrastructure as well as material research and technology.
“Today, we have laid solid foundations for long-term cooperation. On the one hand, the Pietrucha Group will be able to share practical knowledge and experience, and on the other hand, we will draw from the University's invaluable resources in our research and development activities and implementation projects. At the same time, the students will have the opportunity to get to know the Pietrucha Group, perhaps as a future employer, or a place where they may gain practical knowledge during internship and apprenticeship programmes.” – said Jerzy Pietrucha.
Inaugurating cooperation with the Warsaw University of Technology, the company donated to the Faculty Library sets of textbooks and manuals for construction designers, which will be available to use by the students and academic staff of the University.
The Pietrucha Group specializes in the production of geotechnical solutions for the civil engineering sector, which are used in road and rail construction, flood protection and water retention projects as well as embankment reinforcement. The company is a manufacturer of vinyl sheet piles, geogrids and modular flood-protection barriers, which are distributed to over 40 countries. The company has been constantly working on the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new or enhanced products.
In order to actively support the civil engineering research, the Pietrucha Group has been actively partnering with universities of technology in Łódź and Silesia and the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow. The company is also cooperating with research institutions including the Silesian Centre of Aviation Science and Technology and the Łukasiewicz Research Network.